Good evening!
Welcome to The Daily Self Newsletter. To my new subscribers, thank you for being here! And to my loyal subscribers, thanks for sticking around :) I put a pause on writing for a week so I could decompress from my international trip, but I’m back and ready to chat about negative patterns.
One thing for you to think about
We all have negative patterns that we’ve created for ourselves. Some are very obvious like procrastinating on projects until the deadline is in your face; over-scheduling yourself; flaking on get-togethers with friends; or dumping a romantic partner when it starts feeling “too serious.”
Some are not as obvious, and you don’t realize it’s a pattern until the pattern breaks your life. Some people call the breaking point a “Come to Jesus” moment (crazy that this is in the Merriam-Webster dictionary!).
Negative patterns develop out of coping mechanisms and traumatic incidents in our lives. The great thing is that once you identify a negative pattern and dig into the root cause, you can transform it into a positive one.
Discovery: Every day is an opportunity to learn more about yourself and others. Reflect on these ideas and consider sharing.
One thing for you to ask yourself
Do you feel like something in your life is breaking over and over again?
For example, you keep going on diets but always gain the weight back (plus some); or you are always living paycheck to paycheck and can’t seem to get off the hamster wheel. These are two VERY REAL scenarios that are the results of patterns.
Ideation: Use these questions as journaling prompts.
One thing for you to try
Once you recognize a pattern that is breaking your life, you must get to the root. You get to the root of the pattern by asking yourself why, and then why again, and then why again until you have answered all the whys. THAT is the root.
For example, why can’t I lose weight and keep it off? Because I keep trying fad diets. Why? Because they are a fast fix and I don’t have time to work out. Why? Because… you can see how we can narrow this down to a root cause.
Experiment: Growth happens when you step outside of your comfort zone and make brave choices. Reply to this email or leave a comment and let me know how it went.
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Ugh. It’s such a bitter pill to swallow when you say, “Why does this keep happening to me?” . I remembering saying those exact words as I looked at my ‘crumbling’ life. Realizing that I was the common denominator in all of my ‘situations’ was the start of creating a way out. Sending a lot of peace to anybody who is on that journey. It gets better!!!